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High precision injection molding machine HYW-3600

High precision injection molding machine HYW-3600

  • The category:High precision injection molding machine
  • Number of visits:Time
  • Release date:2024-03-07 11:19:52
  • Product
  • Performance
  • Technical
NameUnitNumerical value
螺杆直径                     ScrewDiametermm657075
螺杆长径比                   ScrewL/DRatioL/D23.822.120.6
理论注射容积                    ShotVolumecm³114013251520
实际注射质量                ShotWeight(ps)g103011941371
注射速率                     InjectionRateg/s265289332
塑化能力          PlasticizingCapacity(PS)g/s50.160.365.1
注射压力                 InjectionPressureMpa182157137
螺杆转速                        ScrewSpeedrpm0-160
合模力                       ClampingForceKN3600
开模行程                      PlatenStrokemm660
拉杆内间距            SpaceBetweenTie-barsmm660×660
最 大模厚                Max.MouldThicknessmm700
最小模厚                Min.MouldThicknessmm250
顶出行程              EjectorStokeDistancemm165
液压顶出力                  EjectorTonnageKN100
油泵最 大压力              Max.PumpPressureMpa16
油泵马达功率                    MotorPowerKW37
电热功率                       HeaterPowerKW16
机器外形尺寸       MachineDimesions(LXWXH)m6.80×1.90×2.40
重量(约)          MachineWeight(about)T11.6
(Note: The above parameters are for reference only and subject to change without notice.)

Spiral plasticized parts generally have the following characteristics: ① the screw has two functions of plasticizing and injection molding; ② When the screw is plasticized, it is only used for pre-plasticizing; ③ In the plasticization process, the screw has a large plastic deformation; (1) Screw screw is a key component in plasticizing parts, it is in direct contact with plastic, after experiencing the transition of 3 states (glassy state, viscoelastic state, viscoelastic state), the length of each functional segment of the screw, geometric shape, geometric parameters through its effective length, will directly affect the transformation of plastic in 3 states (glassy state, viscoelastic state, viscoelastic state). And finally affect the injection molding cycle and product quality. Compared with the extrusion screw, the injection screw has the following characteristics: ① the length-diameter ratio and compression ratio of the injection screw are relatively small; ② The screw groove in the homogenizing section of the injection screw is deep; The feeding section of the injection screw is longer, and the homogenizing section is short; ④ The head structure of the injection screw, the rotary shaft two-color injection molding machine manufacturer has a special form. When the injection screw is working, the plasticizing force and melt temperature of the screw change with the axial displacement of the screw.

This article can be found at:http://en.nb-haiying.com/product/723.html


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